The Eyes say it all
I've always had a special love for eyes. I think it's so true of the saying that "eyes are the window to one's soul." Eyes say a lot about a person and if you look deep enough, you can almost see the journey a person's life has taken. With the eyes, a multitude of expressions unfold- feelings of joy, sorrow & regret, happiness, uncertainty, and hope & love prominantly display themselves through a person's eyes. That is why they are my favourite aspect of the face, and the area that I like to spend the most time on. It's my job (and privilege) as a makeup artist to bring out the strength and beauty of the eye, to give them the attention and definition they deserve.
It's amazing how much of an affect the right colouring, shading and contouring can have on an eye. Carefully chosen colours compliment tones within the iris, whilst the depth of shadowing can either draw out small eyes, or recede larger ones, depending on the light & dark qualities of the shade. And the final magic touch, the most important beauty product (in my opinion!) a sweep of dark, creamy mascara to add fullness, length and contrast to the lighter parts of the eye--- Perfection!
Here are samples of some of my past work (and love affair) with eyes.
Examples of different use of colour shadowing and intensity:
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